A) Either get a new BENQ XL2420Z or XL2720Z with V2+ Firmware preinstalled;B) Or send into BENQ for free upgrade. See BENQ America press release for info;C) Or install via Linux with no hardware tools, see forum thread;D) Or manually install the V2 Firmware yourself from Windows, by following the instructions below.
Mstar Isp Tool Zip
Hi Guys,I have read almost every post about upgrading the firmware of my BenQ XL2411Z and I would like to use the windows approach instead of Linux.This requires the MSTAR tool but I find it a bit expensive. I found a similar tool on aliexpress and I am wondering if this would work as well. Does anyone know if this would work?Link to the tool you can find in this link below: -Shipping-USB-upgrade-tool-HD-LCD-driver-board-burner-LCD-Writer-MSTAR-LCD-Programmer/32514860664.html?spm=a2g0z.10010108.1000016.1.50222c12ZV2pHE&isOrigTitle=trueThank you in advance. 2ff7e9595c